. In my last post , I stressed on how strength training and HIIT can help you burn fat faster. Apart from fat burning, strength training also has a ton of other benefits that I think should be known by everybody because, “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” W ritten by Socrates during 4th Century BC . And I strongly believe in it. Socrates Now that we I have established how important strength training was even during the 4th century BC, let me tell you why. You'll be stronger . The only type of weight I like is muscle weight , which makes you stronger and faster, with more endurance than a regular person. Besides, we have been given muscles for a reason, that reason is not just "moving", there's more to it. You must have seen people do...