If you have read some of my previous posts, you must have an idea of what carbs are, they are basically the primary source of your body's energy. If you don't take carbs, it would become extremely hard to survive the day, especially if you have a lot of work to do. A human body, like every other piece of machinery, needs fuel to function properly, and that fuel is carbs. Protein, carbs, and fats are macro nutrients that could serve as a source of energy, but carbs come first on the list of preferred fuel for your body because it's what they are supposed to do. If your body is using protein as energy, it means you are breaking your muscle mass which is not good, and if your body is using fats as energy, it means you are losing body fat which is not a good thing for a fit person, and a temporary thing for a person who wants to lose weight (topic for another post). After eating carbs, your body then works to break those carbs into glucose which gets stored in glyc...